Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love and Sustaining It

NPR had an interesting interview with the author of a book of contemporary love stories. Here is the link to copy and paste in your browse. I do not think they made a way to embed it, though I could post it on facebook?!?!?!


"At the end of the story it says "Perhaps the best advice he's come across came from an 85-year-old man who described a drive he took with his wife shortly after returning from service in World War II.
Along the road in Philadelphia, he spotted a sign that spelled out "Things to Always Say to Your Loved One" in order to sustain a happy marriage: "You look great. Can I help? Let's eat out. I'm sorry, and I love you."
The man took those rules to heart, he says. Those simple statements "guided their marriage for 53 years, two months and five days. That pretty much sums it up."
This anemone is open in shallow water. It filters the water for nutrients and is able to close if threatened. It reminds me that rich rewards are to be had if I will risk staying open to those who I am in relationship with or to.

The anemone here is closed  so completely that it took the surrounding stones with it. What a wall of resistance! If I choose to close up around those I am in relationship with I will not receive the blessings God intended from my knowing and letting myself be known to this other person.

Regardless of what you say to your loved ones this Valentine's Day, please, stay open to receive the blessings God intends by putting them in your life.


  1. The first picture almost looks like a heart. Know you love to find hearts in nature. It looks like a heart to me while it's open. Keep your heart open?

  2. You look great, I love you, how can I help, what's for dinner!! sorry, I couldn't resist...

  3. Yes, keep your heart open! Can't wait to hug you, Betty. Bob: thanks, I love you, too, The cut down tree looks nice, Ravioli, Funny Man!

  4. Neat. Bob already stole my thought. Dan


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