Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hardiness Thinking

Some years ago a study was done to try to determine what made some people hardy even though stressed. The conclusion is stated here:

"Committed people who believe they are in control and expect situations to be challenging

are likely to react to stressful events by increasing their interaction with them -

exploring, controlling and learning from them. This is hardiness thinking."


Those conclusions set me to writing as I processed a difficult situation. Hope the poem that resulted encourages you, too!

Despair Converted 94-5-22

Stormy tide of troubles and woes

“Cannot” thinking painting blows

Of helpless schemes dashed to pieces

Negative doubts swarm my beaches

Shipwrecked hopes lie down in despair.

Hardiness thinking needed here

Plunge on in; devils beware!

Negative doubts must learn to swim

Driven away by “At once! Begin!”

Helplessness has no foothold here

Despair converted to life force.


  1. 'Hardiness thinking' - that's an interesting concept to chew on.


  2. most encouraging after my day today...


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