Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Holy Silence"

Last night before retiring I was reading J. Brent Bill's book "Holy Silence, The Gift of Quaker Spirituality."
I marked the following quotes:
"The desert fathers emphasized silence as more than mere absence of sound...Their practice of silence varied according to their own interpretations and needs."
In the fourteenth century Master Eckhardt said, "Nothing in all creation is so like God as silence." In 1609 Alphonsus Rodriguez quoted St. Bernard of Clairvaux: "Continual silence,and removal from the noise of the things of this world and forgetfulness of them, lifts up the heart and asks us to think of the things of heaven and sets our heart upon them."
"Bordenkircher says that "Being quiet with God allows us to create enough psychological and spiritual space that God can truly create an inner sanctuary in us."
That one really made me pause! I create space, but God creates the sanctuary. Cool!!
"William Penn knew holy silence isn't about stillness, as such, but rather about encountering God in a living and vital holy hush.
Now all this was refreshing, confirming and quieting.
I guess it was no wonder that having been up less than an hour this morning I found myself in the "Slough of despond" with self-esteem drenched in a fetid pool of negativity. Yikes! A far cry from the reading the night before!
I MADE myself sit down and focus my heart and mind upon the devotionals I have been reading. George Matheson was quoted in Streams in the Desert as having written: " God spoke when there was no inward storm. He could not speak when the mind was fretted; His voice demands the silence of the soul. ..In the hour of perturbation, thou canst not hear the answer to thy prayers...The heart got no response in the moment of its crying - in its thunder, its earthquake, and its fire. Thou must rest, O soul, if thou wouldst have thy heart's desire. Still the beating of thy pulse of personal care."
I was left no room to indulge in the negative. I chose to get out the evening book and re-read the passages. then I set my eyes upon Him who loves me best.
May you, also, silence your turmoil, create the space for God to build an inner sanctuary in you. Then enter with praise and thanksgiving, finding true rest and refreshment for your soul.

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