Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two Themes Woven Together for a Chuckle

There is a folk remedy for arthritis called "Drunken Raisins." Take yellow raisins and place in a jar. Cover with gin and let them sit for a few days. The gin must be made with juniper berries. Let the raisins soak for a few weeks. (Some say until the gin evaporates from an open jar. Others say close the jar and let sit for a few weeks.)
Then you are to eat nine or six raisins a day to help your arthritis.

One man asked,  "Was that six raisins a day or six tablespoons of gin with a raisin in it?" Arthritis Foundation assures that this is not a valid method of treatment, yet with many folk remedies there can be a placebo effect!

On another note, this time of year there is almost an epidemic in my flower beds of ugly, disgusting yellow-orange slugs. Yep, that is about life-size!  

Some of them get larger. As you may know I have been entertained by a Bluebird pair who have adopted us. I was told long ago that one man in the area went to the bait shop every day in winter and bought meal worms for his Bluebirds. With that idea in mind, I donned gloves and got a disposable plate to harvest the three slugs I found in the top of our compost bin. I put them on the deck railing to see what would happen. Within five minutes two were gone. I knew they did not crawl away because there was no slime trial on the banister. There was also a Nuthatch licking his beak over the last one! So Nuthatch or Bluebird, I do not care which one, can snack on all the slugs I can find.

One purported way to kill slugs is to partially bury a jar in the garden and fill it with beer. The slugs are attracted to the yeast fragrance. So if I collect these slugs and feed them to the birds will it be like "Drunken Raisins" for them?

(Supposedly the alcohol in the beer supposedly dissolves their flesh. And the websites say I would have to clean out the jar and refill it every day. NOT.)

Maybe I will join the guy that wanted six tablespoons of gin. I'll just drink a beer at dusk and watch my garden for slugs to collect for my feathered friends.

Last year I put slugs in a child's plastic bug collection box to show to the Grandgirls the next day. Good thing I left the box in the garage overnight instead of the house! 


  1. Don't waste good beer on slugs. Feeding them to the birds sounds like a much better idea.


  2. yummy.yummy I agree with Dan.


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