Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Max Lucado From a Friend

A friend recently gave me a Max Lucado book and showed me how to get his daily e-mail. The one below struck me as most worthy to share!

Can you remember that first encounter with Christ? I can. It was 1965. A red-headed ten-year-old with a tornado of freckles sits in a Bible class on a Wednesday night. His teacher wearing a suit coat too tight to button is talking about Jesus and explaining the cross. I’d heard it before, but that night I heard it for sure.

No one had to tell me to be happy. No one had to tell me to tell others. I told all my friends at school. And even though I’d never read 2nd Corinthians 4:13, I knew what it meant. “I believed therefore I have spoken.”

Can you still remember? Can you remember the day you fell in love with him? Remember Jesus. Before you remember anything, remember Him. Don’t forget Him. Place your hand in Jesus’ pierced side. Look into those eyes. Look at them as they look at you. You’ll never be the same!

I cannot remember NOT knowing Christ. I do remember skipping Sunday School and going to the park to worship God. I would walk the paths among the White Paper Birch trees and sing to Him. I would swing and recite "Poems are written by fools like me, but only GOD can make a tree!" as I tried to swing high enough to reach the walnut tree tops.
It was years later before I learned that the funny language I used to sing just to God was actually a prayer language! You see, the Presbyterians, where I was dropped off for church, never talked about such things as spiritual gifts. So next time you get a moment, reflect and ponder, as Max said, the first encounter you had with Jesus.
Cherish that memory! Rehearse it. Worship Him.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely remember a time before Christ as I was 39 when I truly encountered him for the first time.



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