Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let Devotional #3

Psalm 33:8 says "Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him."

Revere means to regard with respect tinged with awe: venerate. Reverence is a feeling of deep respect; an obeisance, bow or curtsy.

Fear and revere. We understand fear in this society, mostly in terms of death, personal violent attack by others, loss of financial stability, etc. But how about revere? Do you give reverence to anything in your daily life? Sadly, most Americans seem hum-drum, indulging little passions along the way, but rarely giving reverence to any one thing regularly, except perhaps the television.

Psalm 33:8 says "Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him."

Revere is defined to regard with respect tinged with awe: venerate. Reverence is a felling or attitude of deep respect; an obeisance, bow or curtsy."

Fear and revere. We understand fear in this society mostly in terms of death, personal violent attack by others, loss of financial stability, etc. But how about revere? Do you give reverence to anything in your daily life? Sadly, most Americans seem hum-drum, indulging little passions along the way, but rarely giving reverence to any one thing regularly, except perhaps the television.

"According to the New York Times, which mined data from Nielsen Research, the average American watched 34 hours of television each week in 2010.

I urge you to read PSALM 33. Let your heart and mind settle into the words. Wrap your mind around the concepts. Make this psalm your centering point for the next few weeks. Try doing the simple things the Psalmist suggests: rejoice in the Lord, praise Him, sing to Him, if you have the ability then play an instrument in personal worship time, ponder His work and His words, His attributes of faithfulness, righteousness, and justice, His steadfast love. See if you can come to a better place of holy fear and reverence in regards to God.
Lord, help us to understand what it means to fear and revere You. Help us to turn off the television and listen for Your voice. Show us Your mighty hand and holy plan through our everyday lives. Amen.

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