Monday, October 15, 2012

Santa Barbara Dolphins

When we visited Santa Barbara we did not see any dolphins in the water. Of course, we also did not go out  in a boat! But we did find this statue at the entrance to the Wharf where State Street begins. It was a lovely day for a stroll on the wharf. There is a science museum there. On my stroll back to land I noticed something being lowered from the science building, into the water, then pulled up holding a piece of kelp. I had forgottten it was a museum for a moment and thought, "What? Kelp for dinner?" Then I realized they were probably showing the children what was in the water below. It was an amusing moment. I also saw a seal pop up his head in the area near the wharf. By the time I got my camera out, it was gone.
We had a lovely time there, but there really is no place like home!


  1. Great pictures. We only drove through Santa Barbara, but it was a beautiful place.



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