So here is the view of my hands this week! My casted arm holds the wrist at such an angle that I cannot pull my hair back in a clasp or ponytail. (Yes, it has been growing out!) I also have difficulty using both hands on the keyboard, though the standard keyboard is easier than the iPad keyboard!
The grandgirls keep forgetting to sign my cast. That's okay though. I already get strange looks in public when I go to the grocery alone.
Thank goodness Peg Hunt asked last winter if I wanted my Cutco knives sharpened when she got hers done! The serrated knife that looks like a steak knife has helped me slice up my food, though I hold the fork at an absurd angle! One less thing for Bob to do, though I do not carry it if we go out to eat! Speaking of eating out, Steak 'n Shake is not a place we go to more than maybe once a year. Bob recently wanted to go there and I found that the beverage glass they use, (designed by Coca-Cola,) is just the right size for the arthritic right hand. I bought mine and use it at home! Thanks, Steak 'n Shake. The Arthritis foundation should endorse their product!
As the arthritis in my hands began to flare over the last 2 years I started to ask, "What do you do without your hands?" the answer is "Not much!" So I am changing my goals and projects until I get through Physical Therapy and find out what is reasonable to expect and what is not.
Steak n Shake is a great place for alot of things.