Sunday, July 29, 2012

June 27 into Late July

All this time we have had an outpouring of love and care from our family and from the Church. Our children have provided meal after meal, gardening service, frozen entrees to bake as needed. The church women have been here to help me dress, to cheer me up, to do alterations to Bob's new uniforms since I cannot sew. I have had cards and books and e-mails of encouragement. I have had helpers to clean the house on extra days free of charge, fold laundry and start laundry loads.

There is even one who has come faithfully to help fill my medication pill boxes (fine motor jobs are a bear right now!)

Friends have sent us free dinner cards and brought me a hot lunch to share with them.

And the prayers! I ran into a fellow at Starbucks recently who knew all about my arm and said I have been on their prayer list at his church.

How on earth can I thank all these folks?

They picked up the slack when I could not attend the sewing group at the Convent.
They carried the load when I could not be part of the leadership team at the Ignatian Spirituality Project.

The family and the Body of Christ has been evident and active in caring for Bob and I, lifting us in prayer, and encouraging us at every opportunity.

I pray for them as often as I enjoy their blessings to us and whenever they come to mind.

And Bob! Wow!! He has had to help me get every shower and wash my hair for me. He has put up with the mood swings from being hurt and those medicinally stimulated. The tears, the frustration, he has seen it all. He has also honored my efforts to stay calm and as accepting and cheerful as I am able to be on any given day.

As we approach our 42nd wedding anniversary I stand amazed at all the Lord has brought us through. God continues to strengthen our love and to deepen our commitment to one another.

Continue to unite all of us in love, Lord, that the world may know Your power upon the earth.

1 comment:

Someone is spamming my gmail account. Do not open something that says I sent you a Google document.