Friday, June 21, 2013

Raindance 88-8-28

Raindrops are splattering on the surface of the pond.
...when do they cease to be raindrops
and become part of the pond?
The surface of the pond is alive ....
...circles running into each other
creating colliding dashes.
Turtles break the surface and
burst below again
in a hurried hunt for brunch.
They seem delighted by the pond's behavior ....
... bouncing water
... dancing circles that make turtles
carefree and rambunctious.
You promised repeatedly Lord that
"In returning and rest we are saved
In quietness and trust is our strength."
You said we will be like a well-watered garden.
Lord, when does the anointing become a part of us
and no longer distinguishable as something separate?
Dance on my pond, Jesus.
Splash my mirror surface
until I ripple
an the ripples intersect
to where the pond no longer looks like me, but You
... blended in holy, bouncing raindance
.... boisterous with Your Presence
.... glistening indescribably
and like the turtle
I will dive into the center-down silence
to feast on the fruits of Your Presence.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful image.. the drop of rain as part of the pond. Kind of like a shared air breathed by many..


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