Monday, August 20, 2012

#9 #9 #9 #9

No, not that awful Beatles song. Tooth #9's crown broke in 3 pieces at lunch on Friday. I spent the weekend basically in seclusion wit the Lord as I looked like a pumpkin. In order to seat that crown they had drilled my tooth into a point. So yes, left front tooth Can be re-crowned for $980.00. The dentist KNOWS how I feel about these teeth we've been filling and drilling for 50 years. He has offered me a one time discount to do the crown for only $450.00.  (They are probably placing bets in his office as to which one I will choose.)
The Oral Surgeon will pull it for a mere $250.00.
Now what would you do if you knew it could be added to the not-yet-made partial for no more than the $1040 it will cost to make?
Yikes. The Summer of 2012 is as obnoxious as that horrible song (that I hope is not stuck in your head since I wrote about it).

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Someone is spamming my gmail account. Do not open something that says I sent you a Google document.