Monday, January 3, 2011

Mystery in the Sky

Monday, December 27th as I drove away from home to run errands I saw an unusual flock of birds moving across the sky. Instead of the "V" formation these birds made a shape with one in front, three on one side of the "V" and about thirteen on the other side! They looked too large to be geese! At the first stop light I could see them aloft and kept asking, "What are they? What ARE they?!" I remembered the Sandhill Crane migration I saw part of in New Mexico. These looked large enough for that kind of bird, closer in size to Great Blue Herons than geese. Then again perhaps they were Snow Geese as their under belly appeared white. As I was going west down the hill on the highway, they crossed over the road. I decided to make the exit with them. They went before me and turned over the river. As quickly as I could turn around hope arose in me that just maybe they would land on the river! I followed the road trying to keep them in view without crashing the car. They flew down river and then they turned left and out of sight.
As I turned around once again I felt disappointment of a mystery missed. I was amused when I realized as a child I had these adventures on foot. Here I am a 60 year old chasing birds with a 2005 Corolla! I briefly considered asking a Naturalist at Cincinnati Nature Center if they had spotted an unusual large flock with a cockeyed formation. By the time I hit our suburban shopping area I let the wonder go with breath prayers of praise to our Lord. He did not have to let me see those birds!! And yet He blessed me.
The next day as I let the day unfold after plans were scuttled, I sat by the window at Starbucks with my hot tea. Suddenly, Canada Geese began rising off the hidden lake next door. I studied them trying to decide if I was perhaps mistaken about the mystery birds. Maybe yesterday's flock were merely Canada Geese. I'm not convinced. Even closeup they do not look as large or as white of belly. The mystery remains a few moments of glory for me.
When was the last time you experienced mystery? Perhaps remembering the wonder of your childhood will help spark an occasion for mystery in 2011? Last week my oldest Grandgirl looked out at the bird feeders on our deck and declared, "Grammy, do you know there are STILL birds out there?" I am certain it was a moment of wonder for her as there was snow on the ground and it was quite cold. Look around and be amazed today.

1 comment:

  1. Neat post. We're enjoying the noise of the sandhill cranes in the mornings here. Betty and I were planning to make an early morning trip to Bosque del Apache, but circumstances put that trip off until next year.



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