Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sounds of Summer

Last October I wrote the following poem. This summer I really wanted to capture some of the wild sounds outside our window. I took a day off recently and had my camera. The photos I wanted never happened, but I did short video to capture the SOUND.
Hope you like the poem. Also hope you will listen to the sounds of summer on the video! Only too soon autumn will be upon us. AND I CAN'T WAIT to end this summer of confusion and frustration and medication changes and broken arm, dental work, oral surgeries, and physical therapy!

The Symphony                  11-10-21
It had been a wild and raucous season
Crickets, tree frogs and locusts sang arias
Symphonies arose from the woods
Mere people were immersed in sound
With a certain knowledge that they were outnumbered

We took the chorus for granted
Air conditioners were turned off
A respite from the heat led to open windows
The chorus arose unabated.
The season beat onwards
We enjoyed a coverlet on the bed
With relish we threw open the windows
And slept with a blanket

We danced with Indian Summer
Knowing in a few months we would long
For the sun, this breeze, such ease.
Migrating birds began to show up in the yard
Absent all summer, the robins arrived
And passed through

We never realized until after the cold snap
That the symphony had dwindled
To a chorus, a melody, a refrain, the rest
And cessation of song
Announcing winter is about to descend upon the woods.

Leaves fall to the ground. They are the only sound.

1 comment:

  1. Most wonderful..Rowan's eyes light up with each new sound..


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