Well, we have been home from Alaska 7 days and I am just starting to think I might get caught up again..then again, maybe not. I did not blog or write on facebook while we are gone because they say we should not let the whole world know when we are away!
I did not write any blogs to be posted later because I always forget just how tired I get while traveling. We did however keep the cameras rolling! Bob took more photos than I did. Sometimes when I get too tired I just let him do it all. I will tell you when a photo is his, not mine.
There are streaks of light because this was taken out the airport window after we landed.
We knew right away these were mountains like we had never seen before! It was after midnight Ohio time by the time we found our rental car and motel. Our first night in Anchorage we fell into bed, even though the sun was still bright in the sky.
Next morning we went to the store in our rental car, got a styrofoam cooler and some vittles and took off down the road. All the time we were scouting for moose, yet never saw a single one. Everyone told us how they walk the streets of Anchorage.
Bob had been saying for several months that all he wanted to do was take a long drive. And boy, did we drive! Alaska is huge! These are birch trees just beginning to leaf out. When you drive by them they create black and white dashes in your field of vision. Rather glamorous!
For miles and miles we saw few cars. Each curve in the road brought us more oohs and aahs of gorgeous scenery. We spotted one dead moose in a ditch.
Bob started wondering where Mt. McKinley was and would we know it if we saw it. I said I thought we would not be able to miss it!
Read along tomorrow to find out how that was resolved :-)